A new issue of the journal “Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine” (CCLM; № 3 March 2016);
Dear All, following the agreement on mutual cooperation between EFLM and W. de Gruyter for Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine journal (CCLM), it has been planned to send regularly to the EFLM contacts the table of contents of CCLM issues and the list of future titles as well. I do hope you will appreciate the initiative which is intended as a further service by EFLM to our European professional community. CCLM is published on a monthly basis and is the most relevant Journal on Clinical Chemistry in Europe; it is a valuable and updated source of knowledge for the professionals in the field, well recognized all over the world. The CCLM 2014 Impact factor is 2.707.
With kindest regards,
MariaStella Graziani
Chair EFLM Communication Committee
A new issue of ‘Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine (CCLM)’ is available online from De Gruyter Online
Click on the following links to view the new contents:
Volume 54, Issue 4 (April 2016)
§ Editorial
Macroprolactin: searching for a needle in a haystack?
Lippi, Giuseppe / Plebani, Mario
§ Review
Laboratory medicine in the new healthcare environment
Ferraro, Simona / Braga, Federica / Panteghini, Mauro
§ Opinion Paper
Developing GRADE outcome-based recommendations about diagnostic tests: a key role in laboratory medicine policies
Trenti, Tommaso / Schünemann, Holger J. / Plebani, Mario
§ EFLM Survey
Accreditation process in European countries – an EFLM survey
Boursier, Guilaine / Vukasovic, Ines / Brguljan, Pika Mesko / Lohmander, Maria / Ghita, Irina / Bernabeu Andreu, Francisco A. / Barrett, Edward / Brugnoni, Duilio / Kroupis, Christos / Sprongl, Ludek / Thelen, Marc H.M. / Vanstapel, Florent / Vodnik, Tatjana / Huisman, Willem / Vaubourdolle, Michel / on behalf of the Working Group Accreditation and ISO/CEN standards (WG-A/ISO) of the EFLM
§ Genetics and Molecular Diagnostics
HB Puerta del Sol [HBA1:c.148A>C], HB Valdecilla [HBA2:c.3G>T], HB Gran Vía [HBA2:c.98T>G], HB Macarena [HBA2:c.358C>T] and HB El Retiro [HBA2:c.364_366dupGTG]: description of five new hemoglobinopathies
de la Fuente-Gonzalo, Félix / Nieto, Jorge M. / Velasco, Diego / Cela, Elena / Pérez, Germán / Fernández-Teijeiro, Ana / Escudero, Antonio / Villegas, Ana / González-Fernández, Fernando A. / Ropero, Paloma
§ General Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine
A candidate reference method using ICP-MS for sweat chloride quantification
Collie, Jake T. / Massie, R. John / Jones, Oliver A.H. / Morrison, Paul D. / Greaves, Ronda F.
Quantification of hemoglobin A1c by off-line HPLC separation and liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry: a modification of the IFCC reference measurement procedure
Zhang, Tianjiao / Zhang, Chuanbao / Chen, Wenxiang / Zhao, Haijian / Zhang, Jiangtao / Zhou, Weiyan / Zeng, Jie / Wang, Jing / Wang, Donghuan
Comparison between B·R·A·H·M·S PCT direct, a new sensitive point-of-care testing device for rapid quantification of procalcitonin in emergency department patients and established reference methods – a prospective multinational trial
Kutz, Alexander / Hausfater, Pierre / Oppert, Michael / Alan, Murat / Grolimund, Eva / Gast, Claire / Alonso, Christine / Wissmann, Christoph / Kuehn, Christian / Bernard, Maguy / Huber, Andreas / Mueller, Beat / Schuetz, Philipp
Evaluation of a hand-held blood gas analyzer for rapid determination of blood gases, electrolytes and metabolites in intensive care setting
Luukkonen, Antti A.M. / Lehto, Tiina M. / Hedberg, Pirjo S.M. / Vaskivuo, Tommy E.
Use of a faecal immunochemical test for haemoglobin can aid in the investigation of patients with lower abdominal symptoms
Godber, Ian M. / Todd, Louise M. / Fraser, Callum G. / MacDonald, Linda R. / Younes, Hakim Ben
A possible cause of the variable detectability of macroprolactin by different immunoassay systems
Hattori, Naoki / Aisaka, Kohzo / Shimatsu, Akira
A multicenter comparison of whole blood vitamin B6 assays
van Zelst, Bertrand D. / de Beer, Roseri J.A.C. Roelofsen / Neele, Marjolein / Kos, Snježana / Kema, Ido P. / Tegelaers, Frans P.W. / Cobbaert, Christa M. / Weykamp, Cas W. / de Jonge, Robert
Analytical and clinical performance of the new Fujirebio 25-OH vitamin D assay, a comparison with liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) and three other automated assays
Saleh, Lanja / Mueller, Daniel / von Eckardstein, Arnold
Development and validation of a 2nd tier test for identification of purine nucleoside phosphorylase deficiency patients during expanded newborn screening by liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry
la Marca, Giancarlo / Giocaliere, Elisa / Malvagia, Sabrina / Villanelli, Fabio / Funghini, Silvia / Ombrone, Daniela / Bona, Maria Della / Forni, Giulia / Canessa, Clementina / Ricci, Silvia / Romano, Francesca / Guerrini, Renzo / Resti, Massimo / Azzari, Chiara
A cross-sectional study of biomarkers of exposure and effect in smokers and moist snuff consumers
Prasad, G.L. / Jones, Bobbette A. / Chen, Peter / Gregg, Evan O.
§ Reference Values and Biological Variations
Pediatric reference value distributions and covariate-stratified reference intervals for 29 endocrine and special chemistry biomarkers on the Beckman Coulter Immunoassay Systems: a CALIPER study of healthy community children
Karbasy, Kimiya / Lin, Danny C.C. / Stoianov, Alexandra / Chan, Man Khun / Bevilacqua, Victoria / Chen, Yunqi / Adeli, Khosrow
Development of reference intervals for serum alkaline phosphatase among adults in Southern China traced to the new IFCC reference measurement procedure
Han, Liqiao / Wang, Jianbing / Zhang, Qiaoxuan / Ke, Peifeng / Wu, Xiaobin / Wan, Zemin / Lin, Haibiao / Zeng, Ruili / Huang, Xianzhang / Zhuang, Junhua
Birth season predicts the values of red blood cell distribution width (RDW) in adulthood
Lippi, Giuseppe / Salvagno, Gian Luca / Montagnana, Martina / Danese, Elisa / Guidi, Gian Cesare
§ Cardiovascular Diseases
Cardiovascular risk stratification in hemodialysis patients in the era of highly sensitive troponins: should we choose between hs-troponin I and hs-troponin T?
Bargnoux, Anne-Sophie / Kuster, Nils / Patrier, Laure / Dupuy, Anne-Marie / Tachon, Gaelle / Maurice, Francois / Badaoui, Bouchra / Chalabi, Lotfi / Badiou, Stéphanie / Deleuze, Sebastien / Leray-Moragues, Hélène / Morena, Marion / Canaud, Bernard / Cristol, Jean-Paul
A standardised FACS assay based on native, receptor transfected cells for the clinical diagnosis and monitoring of β1-adrenergic receptor autoantibodies in human heart disease
Bornholz, Beatrice / Benninghaus, Thomas / Reinke, Yvonne / Felix, Stephan B. / Roggenbuck, Dirk / Jahns-Boivin, Valérie / Jahns, Roland / Boege, Fritz
§ Infectious Diseases
The diagnostic value of serum fucosylated fetuin A in hepatitis B virus-related liver diseases
Li, Li / Gu, Xing / Fang, Meng / Ji, Jun / Yi, Changhong / Gao, Chunfang
§ Letters to the Editor
Discriminant indices for distinguishing thalassemia and iron deficiency in patients with microcytic anemia
Wiwanitkit, Viroj
Discriminant indices for distinguishing thalassemia and iron deficiency in patients with microcytic anemia: a reply
Hoffmann, Johannes J.M.L. / Urrechaga, Eloísa / Aguirre, Urko
STORE (Sample Tracking: Organization, Refrigeration and Expansion): a project in a clinical laboratory perspective
Ognibene, Agostino / Conti, Andrea A. / Lorubbio, Maria / Conti, Antonio
Control materials for immunochromatographic strip used for α-thalassemia screening
Pornprasert, Sakorn
Comparison of a 10- vs. 15-min centrifugation time for chemical and immunochemical assays and impact on turnaround time in a hospital laboratory
Monneret, Denis / Corlouer, Camille / Bigot, Jeanne / Atlan, Gregory / Alkouri, Rana / Mestari, Fouzi / Dever, Sylvie / Imbert-Bismut, Françoise / Bonnefont-Rousselot, Dominique
Pre-analytical phase in cryoglobulin (CRG) detection: an alternative method for sample transport
Basile, Umberto / Torti, Eleonora / Dell’Abate, Maria Teresa / Colacicco, Luigi / Gulli, Francesca / Zuppi, Cecilia / Rapaccini, Gian Lodovico
The efficacy of an internet-based e-learning system using the CellaVision Competency Software for continuing professional development
Horiuchi, Yuki / Tabe, Yoko / Kasuga, Kanako / Maenou, Imiko / Idei, Mayumi / Horii, Takashi / Miida, Takashi / Ohsaka, Akimichi
Clinical examinations after the Fukushima disaster: a case report of Soma General Hospital
Fukunaga, Hisanori / Hoshi, Yumiko / Takahashi, Yuta
Non-fasting plasma glucose concentration in blood donors
Anghebem-Oliveira, Mauren Isfer / Gobor, Luiza / Welter, Marciane / da Costa, Claudia Dib / de Souza, Emanuel Maltempi / Alberton, Dayane / Picheth, Geraldo / de Moraes Rego, Fabiane Gomes
Analytical evaluation of a second generation assay for chromogranin A; a dual-site study
Krabbe, Johannes G. / Monaghan, Phillip J. / Russell, Joanne / de Rijke, Yolanda B.
UBE3A, c.1347_1348delGA: a mutation in question
Sofocleous, Christalena / Tzagkaraki, Evmorfia / Kosma, Konstantina / Kanavakis, Emmanuel / Kitsiou-Tzeli, Sofia
Click here to see the future titles of Clin Chem Lab Med
European Federation of Clinical Chemistry
and Laboratory Medicine (EFLM)
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Tel: +39 389 5320051
e-mail: [email protected] – Website: www.eflm.eu