ACCLMU President Ganna Lunova and Young Scientists Coordinator Tetyana Kheylomska have attended the General Conference of the IFCC which took place March 18-23, 2016, in Madrid (Kingdom of Spain) including 7 general plenary sessions and 3 workshops devoted to the main directions of National Associations of Clinical chemistry and Laboratory Medicine and IFCC.
During the General Conference, the following issues were discussed:
– accreditation of medical laboratories;
– standardization of clinical laboratory tests (development of reference materials for diagnostically significant analytes);
– role of new methods, including pharmacogenetics and POCT, in modern laboratory medicine;
– researches initiated by national associations;
– joint (together with clinicians) scientific congresses and conferences;
– postgraduate professional training in the field of laboratory medicine;
– update of websites of national associations, including creation of electronic educational and information resources (e-Academy, e-journals, e-news etc.);
– implementation of Code of Ethics for Professional Associations of Laboratory Medicine concerning their cooperation with manufacturing companies.
Meetings of the ACCLMU representatives took place with the IFCC President Prof. Maurizio Ferrari and Presidents of Associations of Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia concerning further cooperation.
Also, Tetyana Kheylomska took part in the IFCC Task Force Young Scientists (TF-YS) meeting to discuss the possibility of internship financial support for young professionals – ACCLMU members and, together with other members of TF-YS, visited one of the largest "centralized" medical laboratories in Madrid.