Association of Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine, supported by the Ministry of Health of Ukraine and the by Department of Health of the Kyiv City State Administration, will carry out Scientific and practical conference “Actual issues of Laboratory Medicine” to be held during April 24-25, 2012 in the sanatorium complex “Pushcha-Ozerna.” Conference is included into the National Register of Activities of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine.
Plenary session of the Conference will focus on the development of laboratory services in the context of the structural reform of the national healthcare system.
Keynote presentations will address laboratory services in terms of structural reforms of healthcare system (Rogozhin, B., Krivobok B., Kharkov), and the concept of reformation of laboratory services in the hospitals of Kiev in 2011-2015 through the centralization of laboratory tests (Luneva A ., Kiev).
Further program of the Conference is to be specified.
We invite everyone to participate in the Conference, and company-producers and distributors of equipment and reagents for laboratory diagnostics – to the sponsorship of this event.
All those wishing to book a room at the SC “Sanatorium complex “Pushcha-Ozerna”, please, inform the conference organizers in advance as SC is not able to accept cash.
More information about the Sanatorium complex “Pushcha-Ozerna” can be found at the following website:
Click here to download the application form for accommodation in the Sanatorium complex “Pushcha-Ozerna”.

Thursday March 1st, 2012 at 10:33 AM
можно попросить отчеты по конференции за прошлый год. интересно знать, что происходит на данных конференциях: мероприятия, темы, которые обговаривают!
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Tuesday March 20th, 2012 at 04:38 PM
Яка цільова аудиторія конференції?
Лікарі-лаборанти і спеціалісти з лабораторної медицини.