Dear All,
following the agreement on mutual cooperation between EFLM and W. de Gruyter for Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine journal (CCLM), it has been planned to send regularly to the EFLM contacts the table of contents of CCLM issues and the list of future titles as well. I do hope you will appreciate the initiative which is intended as a further service by EFLM to our European professional community. CCLM is published on a monthly basis and is the most relevant Journal on Clinical Chemistry in Europe; it is a valuable and updated source of knowledge for the professionals in the field, well recognized all over the world. The CCLM 2015 Impact factor is 3.017. With kindest regards, |
A new issue of ‘Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine (CCLM)’ is available online from De Gruyter Online: Volume 55, Issue 7 (July 2017)
Click on the following links to view the new contents: Opportunities and drawbacks of nonstandard body fluid analysis How I first met Dr. Morton K. Schwartz Measurement of thyroglobulin, calcitonin, and PTH in FNA washout fluids Quality control materials for pharmacogenomic testing in the clinic Modulating thrombotic diathesis in hereditary thrombophilia and antiphospholipid antibody syndrome: a role for circulating microparticles? Advances in laboratory diagnosis of hereditary spherocytosis Analytical performance specifications for external quality assessment – definitions and descriptions Differences between quantification of genotype 3 hepatitis C virus RNA by Versions 1.0 and 2.0 of the COBAS AmpliPrep/COBAS TaqMan HCV Test Estimating the intra- and inter-individual imprecision of manual pipetting Effect of multiple freeze-thaw cycles on selected biochemical serum components The effect of storage temperature fluctuations on the stability of biochemical analytes in blood serum Comparison of ex vivo stability of copeptin and vasopressin Physiologic changes of urinary proteome by caffeine and excessive water intake Assessment of autoantibodies to interferon-ω in patients with autoimmune polyendocrine syndrome type 1: using a new immunoprecipitation assay Within-day biological variation and hour-to-hour reference change values for hematological parameters Relationship between anti-Müllerian hormone and antral follicle count across the menstrual cycle using the Beckman Coulter Access assay in comparison with Gen II manual assay Low-grade inflammation and tryptophan-kynurenine pathway activation are associated with adverse cardiac remodeling in primary hyperparathyroidism: the EPATH trial Comparison between procalcitonin and C-reactive protein in predicting bacteremias and confounding factors: a case-control study Monitoring of procalcitonin but not interleukin-6 is useful for the early prediction of anastomotic leakage after colorectal surgery Activation of the tryptophan/serotonin pathway is associated with severity and predicts outcomes in pneumonia: results of a long-term cohort study Incidental findings of monoclonal proteins from carbohydrate-deficient transferrin analysis using capillary electrophoresis IgD-λ myeloma with extensive free light-chain excretion: a diagnostic pitfall in the identification of monoclonal gammopathies 25-Hydroxyvitamin D threshold values should be age-specific Effect of dabigatran treatment at therapeutic levels on point-of-care international normalized ratio (INR) Alkaline phosphatase activity – pH impact on the measurement result Cyst hydatid and cancer: the myth continues Role of activated platelets in severe acne scarring and adaptive immunity activation Towards a random-access LC-MS/MS model for busulfan analysis |
European Federation of Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine (EFLM)
Silvia Cattaneo – Via Carlo Farini, 81 – 20159 Milano – Italy Tel: +39 389 5320051– e-mail: [email protected] – website: |