The course on flow cytometry applications in the field of Immunology will be held from 19 to 23 of March 2020.
The new thing this year is that the course will be delivered in GENEVA, Switzerland, under the Geneva university umbrella, with very easy access by international airport or high speed train.
The course is aiming to help biologists performing immunomonitoring in human, for diagnosis or research purpose.
It can be very useful for biologists and PhD students:
- Immunological basis, protocols, experiment and data analysis will be explained and discussed by experts in each field.
- Method, principles, limits, interpretation will be addressed with some practical work on data analysis on real examples and possibly some lab work.
This is a rare opportunity to learn the different techniques available to analyze the immune response and also the occasion to make new friends and discuss with colleagues and experts.
The course can be part of a full program with a university certificate (att.).
For further information please contact Dr. Claude Lambert, IFCC WG-FC Chair ([email protected]) and Prof.Thomas Matthes, the local organizer ([email protected])
Download a flyer.