On April 27, 2023, the Association of Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine of Ukraine (ACCLMU) and the P.L. Shupyk’s National University of Health Care of Ukraine, with the support of the “Feofania” clinical hospital of the State Affairs Administration of Ukraine and “SanaLab” LLC, the Seminar “Prospects of clinical laboratory diagnostics in Ukraine” was held on the basis of the “Feofania” clinical hospital.
Specialists of medical laboratories and of general practice – family medicine took part in the seminar.
The main attention was paid to such topical issues as the study of the hemostasis system, laboratory diagnostics of thyroid gland diseases, diagnosis of male fertility and thromboelastography with the aim of their application in practical activities.
Current problems of laboratory technologies in transplantology for the implementation of tasks of HLA typing and monitoring of antibodies, as well as management of the laboratory process using the laboratory information system LIS TerraLab were also discussed.
The event was moderated by Professor S. Klymenko, Head of the Department of Clinical Laboratory Diagnostics, Head of the Center for Hematology, Chemotherapy of Hemoblastosis, and Bone Marrow Transplantation of the “Feofania” Medical Center, ACCLMU President.
The seminar was held in the format of a combination of remote and personal participation, more than 700 participants took part in it.
For participating in the seminar, the participants were awarded 10 CPD points in accordance with clause 3.4 of appendix 5 to the Procedure for conducting the certification of doctors (clause 1 of section V), approved by the Order of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine dated 22.02.2019 No. 446.