During September 23-24, 2020, the Association of Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine of Ukraine and P.L. Shupik’s NMAPE, with the participation of the National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine, held a Scientific and Practical Conference with International Participation “Efficiency, quality and availability of modern laboratory medicine in Ukraine”, dedicated to the memory of the President of the ACCLMU prof. Anna Gennadievna Luneva, within the framework of the International Congress on Laboratory Medicine – 2020 at the ACCO International Exhibition Center.
Taking into account the need to comply with all sanitary standards in the context of the COVID-19 epidemic, more than 200 specialists personally joined the conference, and an online broadcast was organized.
The opening of the event was attended by Doctor of Medical Sciences, prof. R.A. Moiseenko, Vice-Rector for Scientific, Pedagogical and Medical Work, P.L. Shupik’s NMAPE, Chairman of the Council of ACCLMU O.B. Kheilomsky, Doctor of Biological Sciences L.Yu. Babintseva, Dean of the TQEF, P.L. Shupik’s NMAPE, as well as the President of the NGO “Ukrainian Medical Club” Soroka I.M.
All those present honored the memory of Anna Gennadievna Luneva with a minute of silence.
Professor Raisa Moiseenko made a welcoming speech and recollections of Anna Gennadievna. She conveyed the wishes of fruitful work to all conference participants from the Rector of P.L. Shupik’s NMAPE, acad. NAMSU, professor Voronenko Yu.V.
President of the NGO “Ukrainian Medical Club” Soroka I.M. presented the Order “Pride of Medicine of Ukraine”, which the Presidium of the NGO “Ukrainian Medical Club” awarded for special services and great contribution to the development of laboratory medicine in Ukraine prof. Lunev G.G. (posthumously).
Particular attention during the conference was paid to the introduction of medical self-government in Ukraine and the role and place of professional associations in the functioning of medicine. Guk A.P., Ph.D., neurosurgeon, Chairman of the Council of the NGO “Association of Physicians of the Revolution of Dignity”, an expert of the Expert Council of the Verkhovna Rada Committee of Ukraine on the health of the nation, medical assistance and health insurance.
Chairman of the Board of ACCLMU O.B. Kheilomsky emphasized the important role and place of professional associations in the functioning of the medical industry, and also highlighted the goals and objectives of ACCLMU in the context of medical reform and the COVID-19 epidemic.
During the plenary sessions, issues were also discussed that are relevant for all medical laboratories, including the confirmation of the competence of specialists in the field of laboratory medicine, the organizational and economic features of the laboratory service during the reform of the health care system of Ukraine, the reliability of laboratory research results in the context of the COVID-19 epidemic, as well as the use of the results of research work in the activities of medical laboratories.
Head of the Department of Clinical Laboratory Diagnostics of P.L. Shupik’s NMAPE, MD, D.Sc., prof. S.V. Klimenko acquainted the participants with the specifics of confirming the competence of specialists in the field of laboratory medicine in European countries.
At the plenary sessions of the second day of the conference, the problematic issues of knowledge mining in modern laboratory research were considered (prof. of the Department of Medical Informatics of P.L.Shupik’s NMAPE, M.D. Mincer A.P.) and the use of leukemia stem cells in acute myeloid leukemia (prof. Gluzman D.F., RE Kavetsky’s Institute of Experimental Pathology, Oncology and Radiobiology, NASU).
Within the framework of the scientific and practical conference, a general meeting of the ACCLMU was held, where the new President of the ACCLMU, Doctor of Medical Sciences, prof. Klimenko S.V., head. Department of Clinical Laboratory Diagnostics, P.L. Shupik’s NMAPE, was unanimously elected, as well as the meeting of the Technical Committee for Standardization “Clinical laboratory research and systems for in vitro diagnostics”, where the new Chairman prof. Klimenko S.V. was also unanimously elected.
Short video from the Conference