ACCLMU Activities

Results of the Master Class “Current issues of clinical laboratory diagnostics in Ukraine – 2024”

On October 3, 2024, the Association of Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine of Ukraine (ACCLMU), together with the National University of Health Care of Ukraine named after P.L. SHUPYK (NUHU), SDA’s Clinical Hospital “Feofania”, and NGO “Emergency Medical Aid Agency” held a master class “Current issues of clinical laboratory diagnostics in Ukraine – 2024”, which took place within the framework of the International Medical Exhibition “HEALTHCARE” – 2024 in International Exhibition Center.

More than 300 specialists from medical laboratories, institutions of higher education, scientific institutions of NASU and NAMSU and other interested persons took part in the master class.

During the work of the master class, leading specialists in laboratory medicine and related fields highlighted the most pressing problems of the field.

In particular, Professor Serhii KLYMENKO, Head of the Department of Clinical Laboratory Diagnostics, Head of the Center for Hematology, Chemotherapy of Hemoblastosis and Bone Marrow Transplantation of the Feofania Medical College, ACCLMU President, highlighted the approaches to laboratory assessment of the severity of acute radiation damage.

The audience learned about the achievements of the working group on the development of the professional standard project for the profession 2229.2 “Laboratory physician in clinical biochemistry” at the Industry Council for the development of professional standards in the field of health care from Volodymyr PROTSENKO (Ph.D. of Medicine, Assoc.Prof. at KhNMU, ACCLMU Vice-President). He also called on laboratory medicine specialists to join the process of development and implementation of the specified standard. Materials of the working group are available at the link.

Yana MELNYCHUK and Tetyana KHEILOMSKA (coordinator of international projects of the ACCLMU, lab. at the department of clinical laboratory medicine of NUHU) reported on the project “Implementation of the study “Determining the sensitivity of antibiotic-resistant pathogens to bacteriophages” in activity of medical laboratories”, aimed at overcoming the problem of antibiotic resistance of infections with the help of bacteriophage preparations. They also invited all interested parties to participate in the mentioned project, as well as to submit requests for grant funding from the IFCC for their own current research projects.

Viorika AKIMOVA (Ph.D., Prof. of the Department of Clinical Laboratory Diagnostics of the Danylo Halytskyi LNMU) spoke about the work of a group of experts in cooperation with the ACCLMU on the translation of the 2023 EFLM European guideline on urinanalysis.

Several reports were devoted mainly to the problems of implementing the requirements of ISO 15189 and other international standards in the activities of medical laboratories of Ukraine.

In particular, Oleksiy VALOVIY (Director of LLC “B.M.L.”, Lviv), Nataliya VINARSKA (Ph.D. of Biology, Quality Director of the Diagnostic Center “CSD LAB”) and Viktoria POTOCHILOVA (Ph.D., Head of Bac. Lab. at the Kyiv City Maternity Hospital No. 2).

In addition, Natalya POPENKO (M.D., Assoc. Prof. of the department of military therapy at the Ukrainian Military Medical Academy) gave a report on the diagnostic value of acute phase proteins in the diagnosis of diseases of internal organs.

The measure was included in the List of CPD measures for 2024 under No. 1001128 (provider No. 2003). For participation in the master class, the participants were awarded 10 CPD points in accordance with the order of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine dated February 22, 2019 No. 446.

Also, the satellite symposium “Modern technologies of laboratory medicine and their use in clinical practice” – 2024 was held.

During the work of the Symposium, representatives of leading domestic companies – manufacturers and distributors in the field of laboratory medicine – focused on some important problematic issues in the practice of medical laboratories.

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