Microbiologia Medica (ISSN 2280-6423)
Dear Colleagues & Researchers.
Since October 2015 I have been selected as the Editor in Chief of Microbiologia Medica, the official quarterly publication of the Italian Association of Clinical Microbiologists (AMCLI). The Journal is now renewing the Editorial Board and we are expecting to increase the readership thanks to an improved scientific quality of the papers.
The main goal of this journal is to enhance the scientific exchange and discussion in the field of Clinical Microbiology, and in particular we will be more than glad to evaluate contributions in the fields of Clinical Bacteriology, Clinical Virology, Parasitology, Mycology, Laboratory Diagnosis of Infectious Diseases, Epidemiology of Infectious Diseases and Immunologic Aspects of Infections.
Below you will find enlisted the main categories of manuscript that MM is now accepting for publication.
2. REVIEWS (generally these papers will be invited, but we are open to proposals coming from known expert in each field)
The Editorial Board has now fixed the main frame of the issues scheduled for publication in 2016: each issue will contain an Editorial dealing with “hot topics in Clinical Microbiology” that would aim to stimulate the discussion (so we are expecting Letters in feed back!) among the readers and one paper reporting on “topics in the history of Microbiology and Infectious Diseases”. All the submitted manuscripts will be very quickly (we are expecting less than 4 working days) checked by the Editors in order to assess the suitability for publication and immediately sent for external peer-reviewing. The peer reviewing will not take longer than three weeks, so that we can ensure a rapid feed back to the Authors and a short time to publication. The Editor in-Chief ’s conclusion will be the final decision for publication. The Editorial Board now includes international experts in each of the above fields.
For more information and detailed instructions to Authors about the submission procedure, please refer to the websites of AMCLI (www.amcli.it) or PAGEPress (our publisher: http://www.pagepressjournals.org/index.php/mm).
There are no charges for publication. In addition we are happy to announce that AMCLI will support the contribution from scientists younger than 40 years and acting as first and/or corresponding Authors for papers accepted for publication, by offering a free registration for one of the meetings or formative events scheduled in 2016.
May I kindly request all of you to circulate this Call for Papers among your colleagues, peers & friends in order to enlarge the possible contribution to Microbiologia Medica?
Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions about the journal: it will be my personal pleasure to provide all the information.
On behalf of the Editorial Board:
Vittorio Sambri M.D., Ph.D.
Editor in Chief
Microbiologia Medica
[email protected] – [email protected]
Phone: (+39) 0547 394906
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