EFLM-Abbott Diagnostics Award 2017 for Excellence in Outcomes Research in Laboratory Medicine
Deadline to apply: 20 April 2017 |
EFLM and Abbott Diagnostics are pleased to announce the EFLM-Abbott Diagnostics Award for Excellence in Outcomes Research in Laboratory Medicine. The Award will be given to the best published paper, as judged by an independent panel of experts, which demonstrates improved outcomes (clinical and/or economic) arising out of the application or improved utilisation of an in vitro diagnostic test. The Award will consist of a certificate and the sum of 10,000 Euro.
Criteria All entries must be validated studies demonstrating improved outcomes (clinical and/or economic) arising out of the application or improved utilisation of an in vitro diagnostic test.
Entries must have been published or finally accepted for publication between 1 February 2015 and 20 April 2017 and must be published in English in a peer-reviewed medical, scientific or health economics journal.
Entries must have been produced by an individual or group working wholly or mainly within Europe (as defined by WHO – www.euro.who.int/ countryinformation). The submitting author must be from an EFLM National Society Member.
It is a condition of entry that applicants agree to the use of the data and conclusions presented in the paper for purposes of promotion of laboratory medicine by EFLM. Only conclusions specifically presented in the paper will be used in such materials, and authors will be acknowledged in and have the right of review of any materials produced.
Submission Procedure
Applications for the Award must be submitted by one of the authors of the paper and must be accompanied by:
§ Reprint of the publication or (in the case of publications in press), a manuscript copy and a copy of the journal Editor’s letter indicating the final acceptance for publication;
§ Short CV of the submitting author;
§ Statement signed by all authors of the publication consenting to submission of the paper for the Award and to the conditions of entry.
Applications, clearly marked “EFLM-Abbott Diagnostics Award”, should be submitted to the EFLM via e-mail to the address [email protected], by 20 April 2017.
Applications will be judged by an indipendent panel appointed by the EFLM Science Committee including expertise in clinical medicine, evidence-based medicine, health economics and clinical laboratory science.
The Award (10,000 Euro and a framed certificate) will be presented at the 22ndIFCC-EFLM EuroMedLab Congress in Athens (June 11-15, 2017). The Award will be presented to the submitting author, who is responsible for division of the award among his/her co-authors.
For any further information please contact the EFLM Office at [email protected]
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European Federation of Clinical Chemistry
and Laboratory Medicine (EFLM)
Silvia Cattaneo
Via Carlo Farini, 81 – 20159 Milano – ITALY