November 2020 issue: ♦ IFCC Information Guide on COVID-19 ♦ New Issue of DiV ♦ Mark the date of next IFCC Live Webinar: November 25, 2020 – Value and Impact of Laboratory Medicine in Patient Care: Developing the Evidence ♦ UNIVANTS of HCE Awards ♦ IFCC Virtual Conference on COVID-19 IFCC Information Guide on COVID-19 The IFCC is pleased to publish an online resource providing key information on laboratory guidelines, biosafety, and other important resources to assist member societies around the world and their clinical laboratories as they face the challenges posed by the COVID-19 outbreak. This guide aims to organize relevant available information on laboratory screening, testing protocols, diagnosis, and other general information on COVID-19 for laboratory professionals, including links to helpful resources and interim guidelines. Share the IFCC Information Guide on COVID 19 with your colleagues and all those who are facing this emergency in your society and institution. New Issue of DiV Enjoy the contents of the new DIAGNÓSTICO IN VITRO October issue. Mark the date of next IFCC Live Webinar: November 25, 2020 ![]() UNIVANTS of HCE Awards ![]() INTEGRATED CLINICAL CARE TEAMS GET RECOGNIZED FOR INTERNATIONAL HEALTHCARE EXCELLENCE
In collaboration with UNIVANTS Health Excellence program, IFCC is proud to recognize 2020 innovative healthcare teams. Three teams have been awarded the inaugural distinction of 2020 UNIVANTS of Healthcare Excellence WINNERS. Nine teams were finalists, receiving the honors of DISTINCTION and twelve teams were semi-finalists with honors of ACHIEVEMENT. Collectively, these best practice stories elevate the power of the clinical laboratory in healthcare transformation and can be used to inspire new examples of measurable benefits for patients, payors, clinicians and entire health systems. Visit the UNIVANTS of Healthcare Excellence programme website to find more details associated with each of the winning teams: UnivantsHCE.com. Ready for the IFCC Virtual Conference on COVID-19? Stay connected with IFCC & get all the latest news! Subscribe at: http://www.ifcc.org/contact/ Follow us on: |