Dear All,
following the agreement on mutual cooperation between EFLM and W. de Gruyter for Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine journal (CCLM), it has been planned to send regularly to the EFLM contacts the table of contents of CCLM issues and the list of future titles as well. I do hope you will appreciate the initiative which is intended as a further service by EFLM to our European professional community. CCLM is published on a monthly basis and is the most relevant Journal on Clinical Chemistry in Europe; it is a valuable and updated source of knowledge for the professionals in the field, well recognized all over the world. The CCLM 2016 Impact Factor is 3.432.
With kindest regards, |
A new issue of ‘Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine (CCLM)’ is available online from De Gruyter Online: Volume 55, Issue 9
Mass spectrometry or immunoassay: est modus in rebus The use of liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry for therapeutic drug monitoring of antibiotics in cancer patients Tackling serum folate test in European countries within the health technology assessment paradigm: request appropriateness, assays and health outcomes Genetic diagnosis of α1-antitrypsin deficiency using DNA from buccal swab and serum samples Serum triglyceride measurements: the commutability of reference materials and the accuracy of results Variant peptide detection utilizing mass spectrometry: laying the foundations for proteogenomic identification and validation Evaluation of two fully automated immunoassay based tests for the measurement of 1α,25-dihydroxyvitamin D in human serum and comparison with LC-MS/MS Parallel diurnal fluctuation of testosterone, androstenedione, dehydroepiandrosterone and 17OHprogesterone as assessed in serum and saliva: validation of a novel liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry method for salivary steroid profiling Determination of oxycodone and its major metabolites noroxycodone and oxymorphone by ultra-high-performance liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry in plasma and urine: application to real cases Identification and quantitation of phosphatidylethanols in oral fluid by liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry Relationship between plasma and salivary melatonin and cortisol investigated by LC-MS/MS Paramagnetic micro-particles as a tool for rapid quantification of apixaban, dabigatran, edoxaban and rivaroxaban in human plasma by UHPLC-MS/MS Measurements of serum non-ceruloplasmin copper by a direct fluorescent method specific to Cu(II) The serum concentrations of leptin and MCP-1 independently predict low back pain duration Immunoassay screening in urine for synthetic cannabinoids – an evaluation of the diagnostic efficiency Study of kallikrein-related peptidase 6 (KLK6) and its complex with α1-antitrypsin in biological fluids A candidate liquid chromatography mass spectrometry reference method for the quantification of the cardiac marker 1-32 B-type natriuretic peptide The natriuretic peptide MR-proANP predicts all-cause mortality and adverse outcome in community patients: a 10-year follow-up study CASZ1 loss-of-function mutation contributes to familial dilated cardiomyopathy Evaluating new HbA1c methods for adoption by the IFCC and NGSP reference networks using international quality targets Analytical and diagnostic performance of two automated fecal calprotectin immunoassays for detection of inflammatory bowel disease Is fasting necessary for lipid profile determinations? Some considerations from the perspective of the clinical laboratory Precision of nonfasting lipid profiles should focus on clinical relevance rather than necessarily obtaining the least variation Triglyceride concentrations should be measured after elimination of free glycerol to exclude interindividual variations due to adiposity and fasting status Estimation of the reference interval for serum folate measured with assays traceable to the WHO International Standard Implausible elevation of peripheral thyroid hormones during therapy with a protein supplement Interference in Na+ measurements on the Siemens RAPIDPoint® 500 after nortriptyline intoxication: a case report Usefulness of maternal red cell antibodies to predict hemolytic disease of the fetus and newborn and significant neonatal hyperbilirubinemia: a retrospective study Improvement of the Sandell-Kolthoff reaction method (ammonium persulfate digestion) for the determination of iodine in urine samples Clinical use of targeted high-throughput whole-genome sequencing for a dengue virus variant
European Federation of Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine (EFLM)
Silvia Cattaneo – Via Carlo Farini, 81 – 20159 Milano – Italy Tel: +39 389 5320051– e-mail: [email protected] – website: |