Register at the forthcoming EFLM webinar!

Daniel Rajdl, Chair of the EFLM WG Distance Education and e-Learning informs about next webinars.  EFLM is happy to remind you that the attendance to the webinars is free of charge and that the recording of the lectures will be available afterwards on at the EFLM e-learning platform for those unable to attend.
Register at the forthcoming EFLM webinar!
Speaker: Giuseppe Lippi (IT)
Moderator: Dirk Roggenbuck (DE)
Date: 2019-01-22 at h. 18.00 CET    time zone converter
ABSTRACT Sepsis is a severe, often life-threatening, condition developing when the organism’s response to an infection triggers a paramount biological effect, which finally generate injuries to its own tissues and organs, up to septic shock, multi-organ failure (MOF) and death. Evidence has been provided that the measurement of some biomarkers in serum or plasma may have clinical values for diagnosing and monitoring sepsis. Consensus has now been reached that procalcitonin is the biomarker for which the most solid evidence has been garnered, that whatever sepsis biomarkers shall always be available on prescription, that test results should always be interpreted according to clinical data, and that test ordering should follow specific biomarker’s kinetics. Sepsis biomarkers assessment may be sometimes combined for diagnosing sepsis. In such case, the combination of procalcitonin with C reactive protein (CRP) or presepsin is the most widely suggested. Sepsis biomarkers should be integrated into diagnostic threshold, prioritizing the high negative predictive value and based on analytically sensitive techniques. Evidence is also strongly emerging that some of these biomarkers, especially procalcitonin and presepsin, may retain clinical usefulness for antibiotic stewardship, and that serial testing shall be set according to biomarker’s kinetics. The assessment of biomarkers other than procalcitonin, presepsin and CRP is now discouraged, at least until stronger evidence will be published. Molecular biology techniques are also emerging as potential alternatives for rapid etiological diagnosis of infections. Further refinements of molecular assays would probably help overcoming the current limitations of their diagnostic performance.
ABOUT THE SPEAKER Giuseppe Lippi currently serves as Full Professor of Clinical Biochemistry and Molecular Biology at the University of Verona (Italy) and Director of the Clinical Chemistry and Haematology Laboratories of the University Hospital of Verona (Italy). He has published more than 1400 articles in peer-reviewed journals, his total Impact Factor is over 5300 and the Hirsch Index (H-index) is 72. He has participated to more than 500 national and international congresses and has given more than 250 lectures to national and international meetings. In 2017 he has been appointed as EFLM Executive Board Secretary. He has been awarded with the 2014 Management Sciences and Patient Safety Division Award of the American Association for Clinical Chemistry (AACC) for outstanding contributions in the field of patient safety in the clinical laboratory/healthcare industry, and with the 2015 Outstanding Speaker Award by the AACC. He has also received research grants from the European Community and from the Regional Heath Care Service. Giuseppe Lippi is Editor in Chief of “Annals of Translational Medicine” and “Journal of Laboratory and Precision Medicine” and also serves as Associate Editor of the journals “Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine”, “Seminars in Thrombosis and Hemostasis” and “Diagnosis”, is the National Representative of the Italian Society of Clinical Biochemistry and Laboratory Medicine (SIBioC) and the new Chair of the EFLM Working Group on Preanalytical Phase. The main fields of research include pre-analytical variability, analytical and clinical validation of biomarkers, diagnostics of the acute coronary syndrome, metabolism of lipoproteins and relevant assay methods, frailty, diagnosis and management of disorders of hemostasis.
HOW TO REGISTER Registration at: https://elearning.eflm.eu/course/info.php?id=41

The participation is free of charge – The number of attendees is limited!


See all our previous recorded webinars at https://elearning.eflm.eu/

New on-line recorded webinar: Preanalytical Misteries

European Federation of Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine (EFLM)


Silvia Cattaneo – Via Carlo Farini, 81 – 20159 Milano – Italy

Tel: +39 389 5320051- e-mail: [email protected] – website: www.eflm.eu

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