After the successful previous two Strategic Conferences in Milan (2014) and Mannheim (2018), EFLM is pleased to announce and to invite you to the 3rd EFLM Strategic Conference “Smart and Green Laboratories” to be held on May 25-27, 2022.
Due to the COVID-pandemic, the conference will be held purely online using the state-of-the-art technical solutions including virtual exhibition stands allowing chat and video conferencing between the attendees and stand representatives.
Global leaders and participants from the field of laboratory medicine, diagnostics, digital health, medical devices, and representatives from MedTechEurope will join the conference to deliver the latest innovations in laboratory medicine, partnership model for efficient integration and adoption of emerging technologies, preparation for the new IVDR, switching to Green Labs, trends, opportunities, and challenges, they are facing.
A panel of experts will discuss what is needed to succeed in this changing environment and the role of collaborations between industry, public, private, and academic drivers of innovation. Their feedback, participation, and engagement during the open discussion platform at the Strategic Conference will be important and taken into consideration to steer laboratory medicine forward and to shape the future of our profession.
The Conference program has been designed trying to be interactive under virtual conditions reserving sufficient time for discussions. More in the spirit of strategic thinking: what are the problems now, what should we be aiming at in the future, where our focus should be, and how we could achieve that. The talks will be short, thought and discussion provoking and not like classical lecture type formal talks. We need revolutionary ideas that need to be implemented to move us forward.
We look forward to meeting you in May!
Professor Tomris Ozben
EFLM President & EFLM Strategic Conference, Chair |