Dear All, following the agreement on mutual cooperation between EFLM and W. de Gruyter for Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine journal (CCLM),...
EDITOR-IN-CHIEF eJIFCC 2017 Vol 28 no° 1 Click here to download a PDF of the full issue 1 Foreword of the...
Dear National Association and Regional Federation Representatives, On behalf of Prof. Tahir Pillay, IFCC eNews Editor, I call on your contribution for...
Invitation EFLM-HyTest Cardiac Marker Award for remarkable scientific work in the field of cardiovascular diseases Deadline to apply: 20 April 2017 The...
A new issue of CCLM is available online! Open content.
Dear All, following the agreement on mutual cooperation between EFLM and W. de Gruyter for Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine journal (CCLM),...
A new issue of the journal “Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine” (CCLM; № 3 March 2016); Dear All, following the agreement on...
A new issue of the journal “Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine” (CCLM; № 3 March 2016); Dear All, following the agreement...
to: EFLM National Representatives and President of EFLM National Society Members Subscription to CCLM for EFLM National Representative/Presidents and special reduced subscription rates for...
Опубліковано новий випуск журналу “Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine” (CCLM; № 2 за лютий 2016)! Відкрити зміст.