EFLM E-LEARNING a selection of interactive, web-based, educational resources designed by EFLM experts to improve your daily practice Petros Karkalousos, Chair of...
Preliminary Program The Preliminary Program of the event is now available on the congress website! See all the scientific sessions, have a...
The EFLM Task Group European Laboratory Day kindly invite you to join the second edition of the EuLabDay Do not miss the opportunity...
CCLM Vol 61, Issue 12 A new issue of CCLM is available online! Below the table of contents of the last issue...
IFCC Survey on Use and Applications of Clinical Metabolomics LAST CALL Don’t miss the opportunity to participate into the survey! https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/K2X9R3R We...
On October 5, 2023, the Association of Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine of Ukraine (ACCLMU), together with the National University of Health...
The Association of Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine of Ukraine, together with the P.L. Shupyk’s NUHU, Feofania Clinical Hospital, and the Association...
IFCC President’s message Greetings to everyone in the IFCC family! We are now only days away from the IFCC-EFLM WorldLab/EuroMedLab Congress...
On May 11-12, 2023, the Association of Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine of Ukraine (ACCLMU) and the NGO “Society of Hematologists of...
The Association of Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine of Ukraine is a co-organizer of the XII scientific and practical conference with international participation...