A warm thank you to all responders and National Societies which took part in the recent survey on the IVD Regulation Click...
The risk of an impending diagnostic crisis can only be averted if you are involved! September 8 is approaching… please fill in...
Abstract deadline submission postponed! NEW DEADLINE SEPTEMBER 5th, 2021 A very very good number of abstracts have been received but to satisfy...
Join CELME to share the latest innovative thinking in the delivery of the best laboratory medicine activities. Learn from expert innovators presenting...
CCLM Vol 59, Issue 9 A new issue of CCLM is available online! Below the table of contents of the last issue...
EFLM e-learning Darko Cerne, Chair of the EFLM WG Distance Education and e-Learning, informs on next scheduled webinar and reminds that the...
PLEASE KEEP UP-TO-DATE ABOUT POSSIBLE RESCHEDULED DATES Calendar of IFCC Congresses/Conferences and Regional Federation’s Congresses IFCC Live webinar on: Different Perspectives on...
Next two IFCC free Webinars 24th August, 2021 “Different Perspectives on Laboratory 4.0” Register here Also! 31st August, 2021 “Metrology and Clinical Laboratory” Register here...
PoCT: Making the point Rome, Italy, 6th and 7th September 2021 IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT Dear Friends and Colleagues, We are...
EuroLabNews: the newsletter of EFLM The July/August issue has been released. Click here to access the EFLM Newsletter and keep updated with...